My name is Audra, and I am a Children's Artist, Illustrator and Designer. Most importantly, I am a mother of three beautiful children, and wife to the most incredible husband. I've been creating for over 15 years and is my true passion along with my scrumptious family. My blog will focus on my business as an artist and things I love including my family life so that you can get to know me better. You can also make purchases from this blog (or mywebsite), take surveys, add comments (I love your comments!) and learn about free giveaways, promotions and new items!! Thanks for stopping by! Cheers!
OMG! Awesome BUT I like my feet planted firmly on the green grass, Have a great weekend. TTFN ~ Marydon
I totally hear you! But, if I were in my twenties.....I might have just gone for it!
I want to do it!!!!!!! hehe.
No way! You wouldn't catch me doing this! I'd $#it my pants!
i would like to do it too, mmmm?
good work, thanks.
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