"A true story..." Does God Exist?

You have GOT to see this video.
You'll be amazed who spoke these words....


Carol............. said...

Thank you so much for the YouTube link! I will pass this on!

Audra, Green Meadow Lane said...

You're welcome Carol! I'm still thinking about the video an hour after seeing it for the first time. It really changes your paradigm on anything around you. Is the glass half full or half empty? Is something a result of itself or a result of absence? I really loved this video.

Art by Darla Kay said...

What a wonderful video! Thanks for sharing that and thanks for stopping by and leaving such great comments!
I think your children's art is fabulous!!!

Gretchen said...

What a beautiful blog! Love it! Great writing and lovely pictures! Thanks for sharing! I'll be back!

Audra, Green Meadow Lane said...

Hi Gretchen!

I love your blog as well! I'm so glad that you've stopped by! I hope to see you back soon!
