Whatever Life Takes Away From You, Let It Go....

Did something ever happen to you in the past that you've had a hard time letting go or someone in your life that you are having a diffucult time forgiving? This advice really hits home with me right now, and couldn't be better said. Hope this works for you too.

“ Whatever life takes away from you, let it go. When you surrender and let go of the past, you allow yourself to be fully alive in the moment. Letting go of the past means you can enjoy the dream that is happening right now."

~ don Miguel Ruiz


Beth in NC said...

So true, we can't see our future if we are looking back.

God brought me through a season of forgiving others (He can't forgive us if we can't forgive others).

Thanks for sharing!

Gary Keimig said...

very lovely blog, Audra.
God bless and keep up the good work

Carol Andre' said...

Audra- This sooooo speaks to me. I have a "mess" in my past- lost everything because of a "trusted" someone- and it has just been so impossible to get past. It seems to always be "lurking" there- just waiting to make me choke up. It's time to let go- I KNOW that. I love this wisdom that you have posted- I plan to put it up in front of my easel so that when I lift my eyes I see it- perhaps it will help me move past this. Thank you.

mom2boys said...

Well said and so true. Thanks! :)

Heidi said...

We have all hurt someone at one time or another and we would want others to forgive us our transgressions. I am a firm believer in Karma!

SouthernDogwoods said...

Definitely something I needed to read today!!!! Thanks!

Julie Morgan said...

"Whatever Life Takes Away From You, Let It Go...."

So true, but it can be so hard to do.

OliveStreetStudio said...

When I was in my 20s, I would hold a grudge or resentment....as I got older, I realized it was much easier to let-it-roll. It is a better way for me and hopefully, causes alot fewer gray hairs!

Maggie said...

Your blog is so very beautiful! I love visiting here; it's a visual dessert!

Audra, Green Meadow Lane said...

Ooogh! Thanks Maggie! You make it sound so scrumptious! tee...heee!

I agree with all of you. One, karma is real, two, the more I read this advice, the more I'm able to let things roll.... Age has something to do with I'm sure, but it's slowly working. When you're really hurt by someone you love, it takes so long to let it go. I need to get better at that. :-)

Denise said...

Absolutely love this quote! Having recently been through an experience that required a letting go - it resonates deeply within me.

Thanks for visiting my blog. Yours is lovely, I will be perusing for awhile!


Nancy Hood said...

just beautiful ~ and one we can all relate to. Thank you for this tonight ~